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교수 경력

  • 차의과학대학교

진료 경력

  • 삼성서울병원 응급의학과 임상강사
  • 차의과학대학교 분당차병원 소아전문응급의료센터 조교수

학회/연구/Postdoctorial Fellowship/수상경력

  • 언론기사·영상
  • 논문
  1. (국외)SCI, Effectiveness of Antiviral Treatment with Intravenous Peramivir and Oral Oseltamivir for Seasonal Influenza in Children, Children-Basel, 2024-12
  2. (국외)SCI, Artificial intelligence applied to ECG to rule out acute myocardial infarction: the ROMIAE multicenter study, EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 2024-12
  3. (국외)SCI, Comparison of Croup Management Patterns betweenPediatricians and Emergency Medicine Physicians: A SinglePediatric Emergency Department Study, Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2024-10
  4. (국외)SCI, External Validation of a Modified Cardiovascular Sequential Organ Failure Assessment Score in Patients with Suspected Infection using the MIMIC-IV Database, PLOS ONE, 2024-10
  5. (국외)SCI, Early Mortality Stratification with Serum Albumin and theSequential Organ Failure Assessment Score at EmergencyDepartment Admission in Septic Shock Patients, Life-Basel, 2024-09
  6. (국외)SCI, Effects of L-Ornithine-L-Aspartate on Angiogenesis and Perfusion in Subacute Hind Limb Ischemia: Preliminary Study, Biomedicines, 2024-08
  7. (국내)KCI, Characteristics of pediatric emergency department visits before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: a report from the National Emergency Department Information System (NEDIS) of Korea, 2018?2022, Clinical and Experimental Emergency Medicine, 2023-10
  8. (국외)SCI, Effects of Mitochondrial Transplantation on Transcriptomics in a Polymicrobial Sepsis Model, International journal of molecular sciences, 2023-10
  9. (국외)SCI, Prognostic Performance of SOFA, APACHE III, and SAPS II Scores in Patients with Suspected Infection According to ICU Type, Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2023-10
  10. (국외)SCI, Modified Cardiovascular Sequential Organ Failure Assessment Score in Sepsis: External Validation in Intensive Care Unit Patients, JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE, 2023-09
  11. (국내)KCI, Characteristics of children hospitalized throughthe pediatric emergency department and effectsof pediatric emergency ward hospitalization, 대한소아응급의학과회지, 2023-08
  12. (국외)SCI, Efficacy of Non-Enhanced Brain Computed Tomography in Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department with Headache after COVID-19 Vaccination, Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2023-08
  13. (국외)SCI, Development and derivation of bacteremia prediction model in patientswith hepatobiliary infection, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE, 2023-08
  14. (국외)SCI, The Effects of Mitochondrial Transplantation on Sepsis Depend on the Type of Cell from Which They Are Isolated, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 2023-06
  15. (국외)SCI, Modified cardiovascular SOFA score in sepsis: Development, and internal and external validation, BMC medicine, 2022-07
  16. (국외)SCIE, Serial Change of Endotoxin Tolerance in a Polymicrobial Sepsis Model, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022-06
  17. (국내)SCIE, A Simple and Novel Equation to Estimate the Degree of Bleeding in Haemorrhagic Shock: Mathematical Derivation and Preliminary In Vivo Validation, The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 2022-03
  18. (국외)SCIE, Effects of Glucocorticoid Therapy on Sepsis Depend Both on the Dose of Steroids and on the Severity and Phase of the Animal Sepsis Model, Life (Basel, Switzerland), 2022-03
  19. (국외)SCIE, Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on emergency department utilization patterns in South Korea, Medicine, 2022-02
  20. (국외)SCIE, Changes in Suicide Rate and Characteristics According to Age of Suicide Attempters before and after COVID-19, Children, 2022-01
  21. (국외)SCIE, Effectiveness of the implementation of pediatric intussusception clinical pathway A pre- and postintervention trial, Medicine, 2021-11
  22. (국외)SCIE, A Unique Case of Inferior Vena Cava Aneurysm Complicated with Pulmonary Embolism and Cerebral Infarction, Journal of cardiovascular development and disease, 2021-11
  23. (국내)KCI후보, Occult bacteremia in children with febrile seizure in the post-pneumococcal vaccine era, 대한소아응급의학회지, 2021-09
  24. (국내)KCI후보, Occult bacteremia in children with febrile seizure in the post-pneumococcal vaccine era, 대한소아응급의학회지, 2021-09
  25. (국외)SCIE, Development of Core Contents of Point-of-Care Ultrasound Curriculum for Pediatric Emergency Medicine Physician Training: A Modified Delphi Survey, Children, 2021-08
  26. (국외)SCI, Visualization of three-dimensional microcirculation of rodents' retina and choroid for studies of critical illness using optical coherence tomography angiography, Scientific reports, 2021-07
  27. (국외)SCI, Effect of rapid fluid administration on the prognosis of septic shock patients with isolated hyperlactatemia: A prospective multicenter observational study, Journal of critical care, 2021-06
  28. (국외)SCI, Can Patient Triaging with Clinical Scoring Systems Reduce CT Use in Adolescents and Young Adults Suspected of Having Appendicitis?, Radiology, 2021-04
  29. (국외)SCIE, External validation and update of the early detection rule for severe hyperkalemia among patients with symptomatic bradycardia, The American journal of emergency medicine, 2021-03
  30. (국외)SCIE, The Need of Enterococcal Coverage in Severe Intra-Abdominal Infection: Evidence from Animal Study, Journal of clinical medicine, 2021-03
  31. (국외)SCIE, Impact of 1-Hour Bundle Achievement in Septic Shock, Journal of clinical medicine, 2021-01
  32. (국외)SCI, "National Surveillance of Injury in Children and Adolescents in the Republic of Korea: 2011?2017 ", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020-12
  33. (국외)SCIE, Chest radiography for simplified evaluation of central venous catheter tip positioning for safe and accurate hemodynamic monitoring ? a retrospective observational study, BMJ open, 2020-12
  34. (국외)SCI, The Immune Modulatory Effects of Mitochondrial Transplantation on Cecal Slurry Model in Rat, Critical care, 2020-12
  35. (국외)SCI, "MPG and NPRL3 Polymorphisms Are Associated with Ischemic Stroke Susceptibility and Post-Stroke Mortality", Diagnostics, 2020-11
  36. (국외)SCIE, Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on Acute Liver Injury and Survival in a Rat Cecal Slurry Peritonitis Model, Life (Basel, Switzerland), 2020-11
  37. (국내)KCI, "Right cardiac border to cardiac diameter (RB:CD) ratio, a simple radiological index associated with a good neurological outcome", 대한응급의학회지, 2020-10
  38. (국외)SCI, Cardiac troponin I predicts clinical outcome of patients with cancer at emergency department, Clinical cardiology, 2020-10
  39. (국내)KCI후보, "Gender differences of characteristics in adolescents with suicide attempts at the emergency department", 대한소아응급의학회지, 2020-10
  40. (국내)KCI후보, Gender differences of characteristics in adolescents with suicide attempts at the emergency department, 대한소아응급의학회지, 2020-10
  41. (국외)SCIE, Are loose-fitting powered air-purifying respirators safe during chest compression? A simulation study, The American journal of emergency medicine, 2020-03
  42. (국내)KCI, 동물교상으로 응급실을 방문한 소아환자의 광견병 노출 후 예방의 적절성, 대한소아응급의학회지, 2020-03
  43. (국내)기타, 동물교상으로 응급실을 방문한 소아환자의 광견병 노출 후 예방의 적절성, 대한소아응급의학회지, 2020-03
  44. (국외)SCI, Optimum chest compression point might be located rightwards to the maximum diameter of the right ventricle: A preliminary, retrospective observational study, Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 2020-03
  45. (국내)SCI, Clinical Guidance for Point-of-Care Ultrasound in the Emergency and Critical Care Areas after Implementing Insurance Coverage in Korea, 대한의학협회지, 2020-01
  46. (국외)SCI, Comparison of standard and alternative methods for chest compressions in a single rescuer infant CPR: A prospective simulation study., PloS one, 2019-12
  47. (국외)SCI, The Maximum Diameter of the Left Ventricle May Not Be the Optimum Target for Chest Compression During Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Preliminary, Observational Study Challenging the Traditional Assumption., Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia, 2019-07
  48. (국외)SCI, Identifying Potentially Avoidable Emergency Department Visits of Long-Term Care Hospital Residents in Korea: A Multicenter Retrospective Cohort Study., BioMed research international, 2019-05
  49. (국외)SCIE, Characteristics of Elderly Long-Term Care Residents Who Were Injured and Transferred to Hospital Emergency Departments in Korea: A Retrospective Multicenter Study, Emergency medicine international, 2019-05
  50. (국내)SCOPUS, Determination of the theoretical personalized optimum chest compression point using anteroposterior chest radiography, Clinical and experimental emergency medicine, 2019-03
  51. (국외)SCI, A survey on the perception and attitude change of first-line healthcare providers after child abuse education in South Korea A pilot study, Medicine, 2018-12
  52. (국외)SCIE, Effect of Pretreatment with the NADPH Oxidase Inhibitor Apocynin on the Therapeutic Efficacy of Human Placenta-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Intracerebral Hemorrhage, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018-11
  53. (국외)SCIE, A Fortified Method to Screen and Detect Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Asymptomatic Hypertensive Adults: A Korean Retrospective, Cross-Sectional Study, International Journal of Hypertension, 2018-10
  54. (국외)SCI, Optimum Chest Compression Point for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Children Revisited Using a 3D Coordinate System Imposed on CT: A Retrospective, Cross-Sectional Study., Pediatric critical care medicine : a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies, 2018-07
  55. (국외)SCI, Theoretical personalized optimum chest compression point can be determined using posteroanterior chest radiography, Resuscitation, 2018-05
  56. (국외)SCIE, EAAC1 gene deletion reduces adult hippocampal neurogenesis after transient cerebral ischemia, Scientific reports, 2018-04
  57. (국외)SCI, Human Placenta-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Reduce Mortality and Hematoma Size in a Rat Intracerebral Hemorrhage Model in an Acute Phase, Stem cells international, 2018-04
  58. (국외)SCI, Administration of placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells counteracts a delayed anergic state following a transient induction of endogenous neurogenesis activity after global cerebral ischemia, Brain research, 2018-03
  59. (국외)SCIE, Zinc Promotes Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Proliferation and Differentiation Towards a Neuronal Fate, Stem cells international, 2018-03
  60. (국내)SCIE, Association of MicroRNA Biogenesis Genes Polymorphisms with Ischemic Stroke Susceptibility and Post-Stroke Mortality, JOURNAL OF STROKE, 2018-01
  61. (국내)KCI, 25-hydroxyvitamin D Levels was not Associated with Blood Pressure and Arterial Stiffness in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease, Electrolyte & blood pressure : E & BP, 2017-12
  62. (국내)KCI, 중독 환자에서 시행된 심폐소생술의 역학적 특징과 결과의 비교: 건강보험심사평가원 자료기반, 대한응급의학회지, 2017-11
  63. (국외)SCIE, The Role of RNF213 4810G>A and 4950G>A Variants in Patients with Moyamoya Disease in Korea, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2017-11
  64. (국내)KCI, Should We Convert Prehospital Supraglottic Airway to Endotracheal Tube Immediately in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest? A Preliminary, Retrospective, Observational Study, 대한응급의학회지, 2017-09
  65. (국외)SCI, Interplay between 3′-UTR polymorphisms in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene and the risk of ischemic stroke, Scientific reports, 2017-09
  66. (국외)SCIE, The optimum chest compression site with regard to heart failure demonstrated by computed tomography, The American journal of emergency medicine, 2017-07
  67. (국외)SCIE, Differential impact of serum total bilirubin level on cerebral atherosclerosis and cerebral small vessel disease, PloS one, 2017-02
  68. (국외)SCI, Redefining periodic patterns on electroencephalograms of patients with sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, 2017-01
  69. (국내)KCI, 산모 급성 충수염에서 Modified Alvarado 점수의 진단적 가치, 대한응급의학회지, 2016-08
  70. (국외)SCI, Effect of Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Administration and Mild Hypothermia Induction on Delayed Neuronal Death After Transient Global Cerebral Ischemia., Critical care medicine, 2016-08
  71. (국외)SCIE, Association of miR-34a, miR-130a, miR-150, and miR-155 polymorphisms with ischemic stroke risk, International journal of molecular medicine, 2016-05
  72. (국내)SCOPUS, Tube Thoracostomy Training With a Medical Simulator Is Associated With Faster, More Successful Performance of the Procedure, Clinical and experimental emergency medicine, 2016-03
  73. (국외)SCIE, Effect of the rate of chest compression familiarised in previous training on the depth of chest compression during metronome-guided cardiopulmonary resuscitation: a randomised crossover trial, BMJ open, 2016-01
  74. (국내)KCI, 요양병원과 비요양병원에 입원한 노인환자에게 시행된 심폐소생술의 역학적 특징과 결과의 비교: 건강보험심사평가원 자료기반, 대한응급의학회지, 2015-10
  75. (국외)SCIE, Association between eNOS polymorphisms and risk of coronary artery disease in a Korean population: a meta-analysis, Genetics and molecular research : GMR, 2015-08
  76. (국내)KCI, 상부 위장관 이물질 섭취를 주 증상으로 응급실에 내원한 성인 환자 경과에 대한 고찰, 대한응급의학회지, 2015-08
  77. (국내)KCI, 응급의료센터로 내원한 급성담낭염 의심환자에서 합병된 급성담낭염 발생의 예측 요인 탐색, 대한응급의학회지, 2015-07
  78. (국내)KCI, 요양병원에서 전원된 노인환자의 재원기간에 관련된 요인 분석, 대한응급의학회지, 2015-06
  79. (국외)SCIE, Inhibition of NADPH oxidase activation reduces EAE-induced white matter damage in mice, Journal of neuroinflammation, 2015-05
  80. (국내)SCIE, Predisposing roles of paraoxonase-1 genetic variants in Korean ischemic stroke patients, Genes and Genomics, 2015-04
  81. (국외)SCIE, A Randomized Comparison Simulating Face to Face Endotracheal Intubation of Pentax Airway Scope, C-MAC Video Laryngoscope, Glidescope Video Laryngoscope, and Macintosh Laryngoscope, BioMed research international, 2015-01
  82. (국내)기타, 50% duty cycle may be inappropriate to achieve a sufficient chest compression depth when cardiopulmonary resuscitation is performed by female or light rescuers, Clinical and experimental emergency medicine, 2014-12
  83. (국외)SCIE, Association of reduced folate carrier-1 (RFC-1) polymorphisms with ischemic stroke and silent brain infarction, PloS one, 2014-11
  84. (국외)SCIE, Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Reduce Neuronal Death After Transient Global Cerebral Ischemia Through Prevention of Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption and Endothelial Damage, Stem cells translational medicine, 2014-11
  85. (국내)KCI, 일개 응급의료센터에 내원한 15세 미만 소아 발열 환자에서 프로파세타몰 정맥주사의 해열 효과, 대한응급의학회지, 2014-10
  86. (국외)SCIE, The timing of surgery and mortality in elderly hip fractures A retrospective, multicenteric cohort study, Indian journal of medical sciences, 2014-10
  87. (국내)KCI, 응급의료센터로 내원한 60세 이상의 고령의 상부위장관출혈 환자에서 Glasgow-Blatchford 점수 체계를 이용한 초기 위험도 계측의 적절성, 대한응급의학회지, 2014-09
  89. (국외)SCIE, Colchicine induced intraneuronal free zinc accumulation and dentate granule cell degeneration., Metallomics, 2014-05
  90. (국외)SCI, Overexpression of goosecoid homeobox is associated with chemoresistance and poor prognosis in ovarian carcinoma, Oncology reports, 2014-04
  91. (국내)KCI, 구급활동일지 분석을 통한 간접의료지도의 효용성, 대한응급의학회지, 2013-10
  92. (국내)KCI, 중증 외상 환자 이송 시 의료지도 요청 및 병원 사전 통보에 영향을 미치는 요인에 대한 고찰, 대한응급의학회지, 2013-09
  93. (국내)SCI, The usefulness of the Kurashiki prehospital stroke scale in identifying thrombolytic candidates in acute ischemic stroke., Yonsei medical journal, 2013-07
  94. (국내)KCI, 요관결석 환자에게 자연배출의 기대치료 실패 예측인자, 대한응급의학회지, 2013-06
  95. (국외)SCIE, Factors associated with successful second and third intubation attempts in the ED, The American journal of emergency medicine, 2013-06
  96. (국외)SCI, Copper/zinc chelation by clioquinol reduces spinal cord white matter damage and behavioral deficits in a murine MOG-induced multiple sclerosis model., Neurobiology of disease, 2013-01
  97. (국외)SCI, MicroRNAs overexpressed in ovarian ALDH1-positive cells are associated with chemoresistance, Journal of Ovarian Research, 2013-01
  98. (국외)SCI, Post-treatment of an NADPH oxidase inhibitor prevents seizure-induced neuronal death., Brain research, 2013-01
  99. (국내)KCI, 응급의료센터로 내원한 패혈쇼크 환자에서 각 중증도 점수체계의 예후 도구로서의 유용성 평가, 대한응급의학회지, 2012-11
  100. (국외)SCI, Association of the miR-146a, miR-149, miR-196a2, and miR-499 polymorphisms with ischemic stroke and SBI risk, Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology, 2012-11
  101. (국외)SCI, Induction of a shorter compression phase is correlated with a deeper chest compression during metronome-guided cardiopulmonary resuscitation: a manikin study., Emergency medicine journal : EMJ, 2012-07
  102. (국외)SCI, The usefulness of rapid point-of-care creatinine testing for the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy in the emergency department, Emergency medicine journal : EMJ, 2012-06
  103. (국내)KCI후보, 중증 손상 기전의 안정된 환자에서 중증도 예측 인자들에 대한 다변량 분석, 대한외상학회지, 2012-06
  104. (국외)SCI, Alteration of immunologic responses on peripheral blood in the acute phase of ischemic stroke: Blood genomic profiling study, Journal of neuroimmunology, 2012-04
  105. (국내)SCI, The factors associated with successful paediatric endotracheal intubation on the first attempt in emergency departments: A 13-emergency-department registry study, Resuscitation, 2012-03
  106. (국외)SCI, Mechanical ventilation in the emergency department for 24 hours or longer is associated with delayed weaning, Journal of critical care, 2012-02
  107. (국외)SCIE, The Specific Effect of Metronome Guidance on the Quality of One-person Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Rescuer Fatigue., The Journal of emergency medicine, 2012-01
  108. (국내)KCI, 중증 외상 환자의 재원기간에 관련된 응급의료전달 체계 내 요인 분석, 대한응급의학회지, 2011-10
  109. (국외)SCI, P2Y Receptors Regulate Proliferation of Human Pancreatic Duct Epithelial Cells, Pancreas, 2011-09
  110. (국내)KCI, 비외상성 복통을 주소로 응급의료센터에 내원한 젊은 여성 환자의 급성 복통 감별에 있어서 이학적및 검사실 인자들에 대한 다변량 분석, 대한응급의학회지, 2011-08
  111. (국외)SCI, Use of bedside sonography for diagnosing acute epiglottitis in the emergency department: a preliminary study., Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, 2011-08
  113. (국외)SCIE, The utility of the HeartSaver Sticker for maintaining correct hand position during chest compressions., The Journal of emergency medicine, 2011-05
  114. (국외)SCI, Global Positioning System (GPS) is not almighty but supportive tool for improving CPR quality, Resuscitation, 2011-03
  115. (국외)SCI, Performance of an automated external defibrillator during simulated rotor-wing critical care transports, Resuscitation, 2010-11
  116. (국외)SCIE, A higher chest compression rate may be necessary for metronome-guided cardiopulmonary resuscitation., The American journal of emergency medicine, 2010-11
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  118. (국외)SCI, Estimation of anatomical structures underneath the chest compression landmarks in children by using computed tomography, Resuscitation, 2010-09
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