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  • 언론기사·영상
  • 논문
  1. (국내)SCIE, A dual center study of predictive factors for sperm retrieval through microdissection testicular sperm extraction and intracytoplasmic sperm injection outcomes in males with non-mosaic Klinefelter Syndrome, Investigative and clinical urology, 2022-09
  2. (국외)SCIE, Clinical Implication of Preoperative Renal Function on Oncological Outcomes in Patients with Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma after Radical Nephroureterectomy, Biomedicines, 2022-05
  3. (국외)SCIE, External validation of karyotype nomogram to predict karyotype abnormalities in oligospermic men, Andrologia, 2022-04
  4. (국외)SCIE, Prevention of urethral ?brosis induced by transforming growth factor beta 1 using selective Wnt/b-catenin signaling inhibitors in a rat model, International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association, 2022-03
  5. (국외)SCIE, "Combination of Abemaciclib following Eribulin Overcomes Palbociclib-Resistant Breast Cancer by Inhibiting the G2/M Cell Cycle Phase", Cancers, 2021-11
  6. (국외)SCIE, The prevalence of sexually transmitted infections and sociosexual behaviors in the South Korean military before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, Military medicine, 2021-11
  7. (국내)SCI, Low Expression of EphB2, EphB3, and EphB4 in Bladder Cancer: Novel Potential Indicators of Muscular Invasion, Yonsei medical journal, 2021-07
  8. (국내)SCOPUS, Update on genetic screening and treatment for infertile men with genetic disorders in the era of assisted reproductive technology, Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine, 2021-07
  9. (국외)SCIE, The Prognosis and Oncological Predictor of Urachal Carcinoma of the Bladder: A Large Scale Multicenter Cohort Study Analyzed 203 Patients With Long Term Follow-Up, Frontiers in oncology, 2021-05
  10. (국외)SCIE, "Current Status and Future Perspectives of Androgen Receptor Inhibition Therapy for Prostate Cancer: A Comprehensive Review", Biomolecules, 2021-03
  11. (국외)SCIE, Comparison of oncologic and functional outcomes between radical nephroureterectomy and segmental ureterectomy for upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma, Scientific reports, 2021-03
  12. (국내)기타, 신경학적으로 이상이 없는 소아 배뇨장애의 진단 및 치료, UROLOGY DIGEST, 2021-03
  13. (국내)SCI, Korean Version of the Patient Perception of Study Medication Questionnaire: Translation and Linguistic Validation, International neurourology journal, 2021-02
  14. (국외)SCI, Development and validation of the Stent Tracking Algorithm Registry (STAR) for monitoring and retrieving forgotten ureteral stents, Journal of endourology / Endourological Society, 2021-01
  15. (국외)SCIE, "Chimeric Antigen Receptor-Engineered T Cell Therapy for the Management of Patients with Metastatic Prostate Cancer: A Comprehensive Review", International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021-01
  16. (국외)SCIE, Feasibility and early toxicity of focal or partial brachytherapy in prostate cancer patients, Journal of contemporary brachytherapy, 2020-10
  17. (국외)SCIE, Patient-Derived, Drug-Resistant Colon Cancer Cells Evade Chemotherapeutic Drug Effects via the Induction of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition-Mediated Angiogenesis, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020-10
  18. (국외)SCIE, The role of Ureaplasmaparvumserovar-3 or serovar-14 infection in female patients with chronic micturition urethral pain and recurrent microscopic hematuria, Translational andrology and urology, 2020-09
  19. (국외)SCIE, "Current Status and Future Perspectives of Checkpoint Inhibitor Immunotherapy for Prostate Cancer: A Comprehensive Review", International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020-07
  20. (국외)SCIE, Analysis of risk factors for post-bacillus Calmette?Guerin-induced prostatitis in patients with non-muscle invasive bladder cancer, Scientific reports, 2020-06
  21. (국외)SCIE, "Pathophysiology of Bone Loss in Patients with Prostate Cancer Receiving Androgen-Deprivation Therapy and Lifestyle Modifications for the Management of Bone Health: A Comprehensive Review", Cancers, 2020-06
  22. (국외)SCIE, "Current Status and Future Perspectives of Immunotherapy for Locally Advanced or Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma: A Comprehensive Review", Cancers, 2020-01
  23. (국외)SCIE, New sparse implantation technique of I-125 low-dose-rate brachytherapy using concomitant short-term hormonal treatment for low and intermediate-risk prostate cancer: An initial study of therapeutic feasibility, Scientific reports, 2019-12
  24. (국외)SCIE, Influence of Alcohol on Phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors Use in Middle- to Old-Aged Men: A Comparative Study of Adverse Events, The journal of sexual medicine, 2019-12
  25. (국외)SCIE, Influence of Alcohol on Phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors Use in Middle- to Old-Aged Men: A Comparative Study of Adverse Events, The journal of sexual medicine, 2019-12
  26. (국외)SCI, New Sparse Implantation Technique of I-125 Low-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy Using Concomitant Short-Term Hormonal Treatment for Low and Intermediate-Risk Prostate Cancer: An Initial Study of Therapeutic Feasibility , Scientific reports, 2019-11
  27. (국내)SCIE, Impact of Cerebrovascular Disease on Survival Benefits From Local Treatment in Patients With De Novo Metastatic Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer, Yonsei medical journal, 2019-10
  28. (국내)SCIE, Establishment of patient-derived three-dimensional organoid culture in renal cell carcinoma, Investigative and clinical urology, 2019-10
  29. (국외)SCI, Transperitoneal radical nephroureterectomy is associated with worse disease progression than retroperitoneal radical nephroureterectomy in patients with upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma., Scientific reports, 2019-04
  30. (국외)SCI, Predictors of renal function after open and robot-assisted partial nephrectomy: A propensity score-matched study, International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association, 2019-03
  31. (국외)SCI, Predictors of renal function after open and robot-assisted partial nephrectomy: A propensity score-matched study, International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association, 2019-03
  32. (국외)SCIE, Detection of circulating tumour cells and their potential use as a biomarker for advanced renal cell carcinoma., Canadian Urological Association journal Journal de l'Association des urologues du Canada, 2019-01
  33. (국내)SCIE, Validation of SwimCount™, a Novel Home-Based Device That Detects Progressively Motile Spermatozoa: Correlation with World Health Organization 5th Semen Analysis., The world journal of men's health, 2018-12
  34. (국내)SCIE, Validation of SwimCount™, a Novel Home-Based Device That Detects Progressively Motile Spermatozoa: Correlation with World Health Organization 5th Semen Analysis., The world journal of men's health, 2018-12
  35. (국외)SCIE, Predictors for De Novo Overactive Bladder after Readjustable Mid-Urethral Sling Procedure in Women with Stress Urinary Incontinence due to Intrinsic Sphincter Deficiency, BioMed research international, 2018-11
  36. (국외)SCIE, Synergistic Activity of Paclitaxel, Sorafenib, and Radiation Therapy in advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma and Breast Cancer, Translational Oncology, 2018-11
  37. (국외)SCI, "Outcomes of magnetic resonance imaging fusion?targeted biopsy of prostate imaging reporting and data system 3 lesions", World journal of urology, 2018-11
  38. (국내)KCI, Retrograde balloon dilation as a therapeutic option for post-gynecologic surgery ureteral stricture followed by ureteroureterostomy: a comparative study regarding stricture length , Yeungnam university journal of medicine, 2018-10
  39. (국외)SCIE, Focal therapy versus robot-assisted partial nephrectomy in the management of clinical T1 renal masses: A systematic review and meta-analysis., Medicine, 2018-10
  40. (국외)SCIE, Focal therapy versus robot-assisted partial nephrectomy in the management of clinical T1 renal masses: A systematic review and meta-analysis., Medicine, 2018-10
  41. (국외)SCI, A Novel Endoluminal Ultrasound Imaging Technique to Determine Urethral Luminal Cross-Sectional Area, Journal of endourology / Endourological Society, 2018-09
  42. (국외)SCI, "Analysis of factors affecting re?admission after retrograde intrarenal surgery for renal stone", World journal of urology, 2018-09
  43. (국외)SCIE, Impact of Body Mass Index on Oncological Outcomes of Prostate Cancer Patients after Radical Prostatectomy, Scientific reports, 2018-08
  44. (국외)SCI, Association between pathologic factors and ERG expression in prostate cancer: finding pivotal networking, Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology, 2018-06
  45. (국외)SCIE, The Comparison of Oncologic Outcomes between Open and Laparoscopic Radical Nephroureterectomy for the Treatment of Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma: A Korean Multicenter Collaborative Study., Cancer Research and Treatment, 2018-04
  46. (국외)SCI, Impact of Variations in Prostatic Apex Shape on Apical Margin Positive Rate After Radical Prostatectomy: Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy vs Open Radical Prostatectomy, Journal of endourology / Endourological Society, 2018-01
  47. (국내)SCIE, Epidemiology of underactive bladder: Common but underresearched, Investigative and clinical urology, 2017-11
  48. (국외)SCIE, Intermittent, low-dose, anti-androgen monotherapy as an alternative therapeutic option for patients with positive surgical margins after radical prostatectomy, Asian journal of andrology, 2017-09
  49. (국내)SCIE, Protective effects of Korean Red Ginseng against sub-acute immobilization stress-induced testicular damage in experimental rats, Journal of Ginseng Research, 2017-09
  50. (국외)SCOPUS, Characterization of age-related penile microvascular hemodynamic impairment using laser speckle contrast imaging: possible role of increased fibrogenesis, Physiological reports, 2017-09
  51. (국내)KCI, Needle Aspiration Biopsy of Seminiferous Tubules (NABST) as a Diagnostic Method in Korea., Chonnam medical journal, 2017-08
  52. (국내)SCIE, The Correlation between Body Mass Index and Routine Parameters in Men Over Fifty, The world journal of men's health, 2017-07
  53. (국외)SCI, Compensatory Structural and Functional Adaptation After Nephrectomy in Obese Patients According to Waist Circumference, Urology, 2017-03
  54. (국외)SCIE, Predictors for success of internal urethrotomy in patients with urethral contracture following perineal repair of pelvic fracture urethral injuries, Injury, 2017-02
  55. (국외)SCI, Recurrence rates in pediatric patients undergoing microsurgical subinguinal varicocelectomy with and without testicular delivery, Journal of pediatric surgery, 2016-12
  56. (국외)기타, Ureteral Stent Insertion in the Management of Renal Colic during Pregnancy, Chonnam medical journal, 2016-12
  57. (국외)SCI, Clinical efficacy of combination therapy with an alpha blocker and low-dose sildenafil on post-therapy lower urinary tract symptoms after low-dose-rate brachytherapy for prostate cancer, World journal of urology, 2016-09
  58. (국외)기타, A case of cryptochisdism with ipsilateral congenital unilateral absence of the vas deferens and contralateral renal agenesis, Case reports in urology(electronic), 2016-07
  59. (국내)SCOPUS, Diagnosis and Management of Pediatric and Adolescent Varicocele: A survey of Pediatric Urologists in Korea, Chonnam medical journal, 2016-06
  60. (국외)SCI, Mitochondrial Sirt3 supports cell proliferation by regulating glutamine-dependent oxidation in renal cell carcinoma., Molecular cell biology research communications, 2016-04
  61. (국외)SCI, Spermatic Cord Paraganglioma with Histologically Malignant Features, Urology, 2016-03
  62. (국외)SCI, Clinical efficacy of combination therapy with an alpha blocker and low?dose sildenafil on post?therapy lower urinary tract symptoms after low?dose?rate brachytherapy for prostate cancer, World journal of urology, 2016-01
  63. (국외)SCIE, Renoprotective Mechanism of Remote Ischemic Preconditioning Based on Transcriptomic Analysis in a Porcine Renal Ischemia Reperfusion Injury Model., PloS one, 2015-09
  64. (국내)SCOPUS, Difference in the rate of rectal complications following prostate brachytherapy based on the prostate-rectum distance and the prostate longitudinal length among early prostate cancer patients, Korean Journal of Urology, 2015-08
  65. (국외)기타, The Youngest Korean Case of Urachal Carcinoma., Case reports in urology(electronic), 2015-05
  66. (국외)SCIE, Sorafenib treatment for recurrent stage T1 bilateral renal cell carcinoma in patients with Von Hippel- Lindau disease: A case report and literature review., Canadian Urological Association journal Journal de l'Association des urologues du Canada, 2015-05
  67. (국내)KCI, Evaluation and Management of Antenatal Hydronephrosis, Childhood kidney diseases, 2015-04
  68. (국외)SCIE, Preconditioning strategies for kidney ischemia reperfusion injury: implications of the time-window" in remote ischemic preconditioning.", PloS one, 2015-03
  69. (국외)SCI, Clinical assessment of lipid profiles in live kidney donors., Transplantation proceedings, 2015-03
  70. (국외)기타, Three-dimensional reconstructive kidney volume analyses according to the endophytic degree of tumors during open partial or radical nephrectomy, International braz j urol : official journal of the Brazilian Society of Urology, 2015-02
  71. (국외)SCI, Impact of Metabolic Syndrome on Postdonation Renal Function in Living Kidney Donors, Transplantation proceedings, 2015-02
  72. (국내)SCOPUS, Impact of adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with upper tract urothelial carcinoma and lymphovascular invasion after radical nephroureterectomy, Korean Journal of Urology, 2014-10
  73. (국내)SCOPUS, The management of pelvic organ prolapse, Korean Journal of Urology, 2014-09
  74. (국외)SCIE, Contralateral kidney volume change as a consequence of ipsilateral parenchymal atrophy promotes overall renal function recovery after partial nephrectomy, International urology and nephrology, 2014-09
  75. (국외)SCI, Usefulness of the diameter-axial-polar nephrometry score for predicting perioperative parameters in robotic partial nephrectomy., World journal of urology, 2014-06
  76. (국외)SCI, Graft survival after video-assisted minilaparotomy living-donor nephrectomy or conventional open nephrectomy: do left and right allografts differ?, Urology, 2014-06
  77. (국외)SCIE, Control of Infective Complications of Transrectal Prostate Biopsy, Surgical infections, 2014-05
  78. (국외)SCI, PTEN Loss-Mediated Akt Activation Increases the Properties of Cancer Stem-Like Cell Populations in Prostate Cancer, Oncology, 2014-04
  79. (국외)SCI, Prospective Measurement of Urinary Microalbumin in Living Kidney Donor Nephrectomy: Toward Understanding the Renal Functional Recovery Period., The Journal of urology, 2014-03
  80. (국외)SCI, Do the abnormal results of an implantation renal biopsy affect the donor renal function?, Transplantation proceedings, 2014-02
  81. (국외)기타, A Case of Urethrocutaneous Fistula: A Forgotten Segment of a Broken Urethral Catheter, Urology case reports, 2014-01
  82. (국외)SCIE, Association between R.E.N.A.L. nephrometry score and perioperative outcomes following open partial nephrectomy under cold ischemia., Canadian Urological Association journal Journal de l'Association des urologues du Canada, 2013-12
  83. (국외)SCIE, A feasibility study of peritoneum preservation in radical cystectomy with extraperitonealization of orthotopic neobladder for invasive high-grade bladder cancer: a preliminary analysis., International urology and nephrology, 2013-12
  84. (국내)SCOPUS, Clinical Implications for Graft Function of a New Equation Model for the Ratio of Living Donor Kidney Volume to Recipient Body Surface Area, Korean Journal of Urology, 2013-08
  85. (국내)SCOPUS, Clinical Factors That Predict Successful Posterior Urethral Anastomosis With a Gracilis Muscle Flap, Korean Journal of Urology, 2013-07
  86. (국외)SCI, Correlation between serum prostate specific antigen level and prostate volume in a community-based cohort: large-scale screening of 35,223 Korean men., Urology, 2013-07
  87. (국외)SCI, An Analysis of the Efficacy, Safety, and Cost-effectiveness of Fulguration Under Local Anesthesia for Small-sized Recurrent Masses ? A Comparative Analysis to Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumors in a Matched Cohort, Journal of endourology / Endourological Society, 2013-06
  88. (국외)SCI, Radical prostatectomy versus high dose permanent prostate brachytherapy using iodine-125 seeds for patients with high risk prostate cancer: a matched cohort analysis., World journal of urology, 2013-04
  89. (국외)SCIE, Testicular hypoplasia in monochorionic dizygous twin with confined blood chimerism, Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics, 2013-04
  90. (국내)SCOPUS, Simplified zero ischemia in robot assisted partial nephrectomy: initial yonsei experience., Korean Journal of Urology, 2013-01
  91. (국외)SCI, Serum prostate-specific antigen as a predictor of prostate volume and lower urinary tract symptoms in a community-based cohort: a large-scale Korean screening study., Asian journal of andrology, 2013-01
  92. (국내)SCOPUS, Neurogenic Bladder in Lyme Disease, 대한배뇨장애및요실금학회지, 2012-12
  93. (국외)SCI, Clinical assessment of renal function stabilization after living donor nephrectomy., Transplantation proceedings, 2012-12
  94. (국내)KCI, 자궁선근증의 증상 치료로 levonorgestrel-releasing intratuterinesystem을 사용한 한국여성에서의 임상 경험, 대한산부인과내시경학회지, 2012-11
  95. (국내)SCIE, Outcomes of Gleason score ≤ 8 among high risk prostate cancer treated with 125I low dose rate brachytherapy based multimodal therapy, Yonsei medical journal, 2012-11
  96. (국내)SCIE, Reversible infertility associated with testosterone therapy for symptomatic hypogonadism in infertile couple., Yonsei medical journal, 2012-11
  97. (국외)SCI, Re_Lee et al_Longitudinal stone diameter on coronal reconstruction of computed tomography as a predictor of ureteral stone expulsion in medical expulsive therapy. Reply by the authors, Urology, 2012-10
  98. (국외)SCI, Serum prostate-specific antigen as a predictor of prostate volume and lower urinary tract symptoms in a community-based cohort: a large-scale Korean screening study, Asian journal of andrology, 2012-10
  99. (국내)KCI, Age-related distribution of anti-Mullerian hormone levels in 2,879 Korean women with regular menstruation., 대한산부인과학회지, 2012-10
  100. (국내)SCOPUS, Clinical Assessment of Follow-Up Cystatin C-Based eGFR in Live Kidney Donors., Korean Journal of Urology, 2012-10
  101. (국내)SCOPUS, Current Status of Brachytherapy for Prostate Cancer, Korean Journal of Urology, 2012-09
  102. (국외)SCI, Longitudinal stone diameter on coronal reconstruction of computed tomography as a predictor of ureteral stone expulsion in medical expulsive therapy, Urology, 2012-06
  103. (국내)SCOPUS, Cost aspects of radical nephrectomy for the treatment of renal cell carcinoma in Korea: open, laparoscopic, robot-assisted laparoscopic, and video-assisted minilaparotomy surgeries., Korean Journal of Urology, 2012-05
  104. (국내)SCI, Comparison of Video-Assisted Minilaparotomy, Open, and Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy for Renal Masses, Yonsei medical journal, 2012-02
  105. (국내)SCOPUS, Surgical experience with retroperitoneal liposarcoma in a single korean tertiary medical center., Korean Journal of Urology, 2012-02
  106. (국외)SCI, Relationship Among Total Kidney Volume, Renal Function and Age, The Journal of urology, 2011-11
  107. (국외)SCI, Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Excision of Symptomatic Retrovesical Cysts in Boys and Young Adults, The Journal of urology, 2011-10
  108. (국내)SCI, Differential diagnosis of complex renal cysts based on lesion size along with the Bosniak renal cyst classification., Yonsei medical journal, 2011-10
  109. (국내)SCOPUS, Complication Rates of the 720 Video-Assisted Minilaparotomy Living Donor Nephrectomies: Supplementing Clavien Classification, Korean Journal of Urology, 2011-10
  110. (국외)SCI, Urologic robot-assisted laparoendoscopic single-site surgery using a homemade single-port device: a single-center experience of 68 cases., Journal of endourology / Endourological Society, 2011-09
  111. (국내)SCOPUS, Large oncocytic adrenocortical tumor with uncertain malignant potential., Korean Journal of Urology, 2011-08
  112. (국내)SCOPUS, Renal cell carcinoma in kidney transplant recipients and dialysis patients., Korean Journal of Urology, 2011-07
  113. (국내)SCOPUS, A comparison of preplan MRI and preplan CT-based prostate volume with intraoperative ultrasound-based prostate volume in real-time permanent brachytherapy, Radiation Oncology Journal, 2011-07
  114. (국외)SCI, Prognostic significance of preoperative kidney volume for predicting renal function in renal cell carcinoma patients receiving a radical or partial nephrectomy, BJU international, 2011-06
  115. (국외)SCI, Standardized video-assisted retroperitoneal minilaparotomy surgery for 615 living donor nephrectomies, Transplant international : official journal of the European Society for Organ Transplantation, 2011-06
  116. (국내)SCOPUS, Laparoendoscopic single-site surgery (LESS) for excision of a seminal vesicle cyst associated with ipsilateral renal agenesis., Korean Journal of Urology, 2011-05
  117. (국내)SCOPUS, The Learning Curve for Flank Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy for Kidney Calculi: A Single Surgeon's Experience, Korean Journal of Urology, 2011-03
  118. (국외)SCI, Novel Surgical Technique for Obstructive Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Finger-Assisted, Single-Port Transvesical Enucleation of the Prostate., Journal of endourology / Endourological Society, 2011-02
  119. (국외)SCI, Urodynamic abnormalities in toilet trained children with primary vesicoureteral reflux., The Journal of urology, 2011-02
  120. (국내)SCOPUS, Prospective Evaluation of the Accuracy of MDCT Angiography for Living Kidney Donor., Korean Journal of Urology, 2011-01
  121. (국외)SCI, Robotic assisted laparoscopic ureteral reimplantation in children: case matched comparative study with open surgical approach., The Journal of urology, 2011-01
  122. (국내)SCOPUS, A prospective study of single-dose antibiotic prophylaxis in live donor nephrectomy., Korean Journal of Urology, 2010-12
  123. (국외)SCI, A Six-Week Course of Bacillus Calmette-Gu?in Prophylaxis Is Insufficient to Prevent Tumor Recurrence in Nonmuscle Invasive Bladder Cancer with Strong-Positive Expression of p53., Oncology, 2010-12
  124. (국내)SCOPUS, Laparoendoscopic single-site surgeries: a single-center experience of 171 consecutive cases., Korean Journal of Urology, 2010-12
  125. (국외)SCI, Laparoendoscopic single-site surgery for ureterolithotomy: focus on intracorporeal stenting and suturing., Urology, 2010-12
  126. (국외)SCI, Simple solution for urethral caruncle, The Journal of urology, 2010-12
  127. (국외)SCIE, Histologic Influence of Doxazosin and Finasteride in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Accompanying Chronic Inflammation, Urologia internationalis, 2010-10
  128. (국내)SCOPUS, 신장암의 면역치료, 대한의사협회지, 2010-10
  129. (국외)IM, Secure Reconstruction Technique after Partial NephrectomyIrrespective of Tumor Size and Location , International braz j urol : official journal of the Brazilian Society of Urology, 2010-10
  130. (국외)SCI, Novel Surgical Technique for Obstructive Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Finger-Assisted,Single-Port Transvesical Enucleation of the Prostate, Journal of endourology / Endourological Society, 2010-09
  131. (국외)SCI, Is endorectal coil necessary for the staging of clinically localized prostate cancer? Comparison of non-endorectal versus endorectal MR imaging., World journal of urology, 2010-06
  132. (국외)SCI, Robot-assisted Laparoendoscopic Single-site Surgery: Partial Nephrectomy for Renal Malignancy, Urology, 2010-06
  133. (국내)SCOPUS, Retroperitoneal giant liposarcoma, Korean Journal of Urology, 2010-04
  134. (국내)SCIE, Discrepancies in Perception of Urinary Incontinence between Patient and Physician after Robotic Radical Prostatectomy, Yonsei medical journal, 2010-03
  135. (국외)SCI, The feasibility of solo-surgeon living donor nephrectomy: initial experience using video-assisted minilaparotomy surgery, Surgical endoscopy, 2010-03
  136. (국외)SCI, Predictor of kidney volume change and delayed kidney function recovery after donor nephrectomy , The Journal of urology, 2009-12
  137. (국외)SCI, One-layer vasovasostomy: microsurgical versus loupe-assisted, Fertility and sterility, 2009-12
  138. (국외)SCI, Benign Lesions After Partial Nephrectomy for Presumed Renal Cell Carcinoma in Masses 4 cm or Less: Prevalence and Predictors in Korean Patients, Urology, 2009-11
  139. (국외)SCI, Overactive bladder is not only overactive but also hypersensitive, Urology, 2009-10
  140. (국내)KCI, Robot-assisted radical prostatectomy in a patient with a preexisting three-piece inflatable penile prosthesis. Choi KH1, Lee SH, Jung WS, Chung BH., Korean Journal of Urology, 2009-10
  141. (국외)SCI, Increased Urinary Nerve Growth Factor as a Predictor of Persistent Detrusor Overactivity After Bladder Outlet Obstruction Relief in a Rat Model, The Journal of urology, 2009-09
  142. (국외)SCI, Chronic kidney disease among men with lower urinary tract symptoms due to benign prostatic hyperplasia, BJU international, 2009-07
  143. (국내)기타, 국소진행성 전립선암에서 저선량 근접치료의 적용 , 대한비뇨기종양학회지, 2009-06
  144. (국내)SCOPUS, 저위험군 및 중간위험군 국소 전립선암의 저선량 근접치료, Korean Journal of Urology, 2009-06
  145. (국내)KCI, Sexual stimulated (SS)-Penogram을 이용한 발기부전 치료제 Phosphodiesterase 5 억제제들의 임상 효능 분석, 대한남성과학회지, 2009-06
  146. (국내)기타, Clinical Trial with Tamsulosin and Doxazosin for the Treatment of Premature Ejaculation in Patients with Co-morbid LUTS: a Comparative Study, 대한남성과학회지, 2009-04
  147. (국내)기타, 방광요관역류 환아에서 요관 점막하 Dextranomer/Hyaluronic acid copolymer (Deflux) 주입치료의 경험, 대한소아비뇨기과학회지, 2009-03
  148. (국외)기타, Simple Use of the Suppository Type Povidone-Iodine Can Prevent Infectious Complications in Transrectal Ultrasound-Guided Prostate Biopsy, Advances in Urology, 2009-03
  149. (국내)SCOPUS, 지주세포증후군 환자에서 생식세포 배양의 유용성, Korean Journal of Urology, 2009-02
  150. (국내)KCI, 병리학적 T0 병기 전립선암의 병리학적 특성과 예후, Korean Journal of Urology, 2009-01
  151. (국외)SCIE, Prostatic metastasis of large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the lung, Respirology (Carlton, Vic.), 2009-01
  152. (국내)SCIE, Laparoscopic Treatment of Appendicovesical Fistula, Yonsei medical journal, 2008-10
  153. (국내)SCOPUS, 하부요관결석의 자연배출을 위한 이뇨제, 알파차단제, 부신피질 호르몬제 삼중요법의 효과, Korean Journal of Urology, 2008-09
  154. (국내)SCI, Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy Using Swiss Lithoclast for Treatment of Ureteral Calculi: 12-Years Experience, Journal of Korean medical science, 2008-09
  155. (국외)SCI, Transutricular Seminal Vesiculoscopy in Hematospermia: Technical Considerations and Outcomes, Urology, 2008-07
  156. (국내)SCOPUS, 전립선비대증 환자에서 장기 약물요법의 실패를 예측할 수 있는 인자 , Korean Journal of Urology, 2008-07
  157. (국내)SCOPUS, 선천성 중부요관협착에서 발견된 중하부 요관 형성저하증, Korean Journal of Urology, 2008-05
  158. (국내)기타, 질 분비물을 주소로 내원한 중년여성에서 발견된 이소성 요관구를 동반한 중복요관, Korean Journal of Urology, 2007-09
  159. (국외)SCIE, Histologic type, staging, and distribution of germ cell tumors in Korean adults, Urologic oncology, 2007-07
  160. (국외)SCI, Quantification of CpG methylation at the 5′-region of XIST by pyrosequencing from human serum, Electrophoresis, 2007-01
  161. (국내)기타, 신세포암의 자가 동종 종양세포 및 동종 또는 공여자 수지상세포 혼합백신의 개발 및 적용, Korean Journal of Urology, 2006-12
  162. (국내)기타, 급성신우신염 환자의 다기관 특성비교 , Korean Journal of Urology, 2006-10
  163. (국내)기타, Pneumatic Lithotriptor를 이용한 요관경하 배석술: 274례 분석, Korean Journal of Urology, 2006-05
  164. (국내)SCIE, Evaluation of Short Term Clinical Effects and Presumptive Mechanism of Botulinum Toxin Type A as a Treatment Modality of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, Yonsei medical journal, 2006-05
  165. (국내)기타, Chlormadinone Acetate가 전립선비대증 환자의 혈청 전립선특이항원치에 미치는 영향, Korean Journal of Urology, 2006-02
  166. (국내)KCI, 박동수, 오도연, 강명서, 안희정, 이선주, 김남근: 전이성 신세포암의 보조 면역치료로써 자가종양백신의 적용, Korean Journal of Urology, 2005-09
  167. (국내)SCOPUS, 하부요로증상을 보이는 전립선비대증에서 전립선 내 Botulinum Toxin Type A (BTA) 주입요법의 초기경험과 경요도적 전립선절제술과의 단기효과 비교, Korean Journal of Urology, 2005-08
  168. (국내)SCOPUS, 충수돌기를 이용한 후복막강 부신경절종에 의한 요관 결손의 대치, Korean Journal of Urology, 2005-07
  169. (국내)SCOPUS, 전립선 생검을 요하는 환자에서 전립선암 예측 통계 모델의 개발, Korean Journal of Urology, 2004-08
  170. (국외)SCI, Expanded Polytetrafluoroethylene을 이용한 신원보존 수술, Korean Journal of Urology, 2004-07
  171. (국외)SCI, Glomus tumor of the glans penis, Urology, 2004-06
  172. (국외)IM, Prediction of lymph node metastasis based on p53 and nm23-H1 expression in muscle invasive grade III transitional cell carcinoma of bladder, Advances in experimental medicine and biology, 2003-12
  173. (국외)SCI, Bilateral testicular germ cell tumors, Cancer, 2002-06
  174. (국외)SCI, 성인의 복강내 정류고환에서 발생한 내배엽동종양, Korean Journal of Urology, 2002-05
  175. (국외)SCI, Percutaneous nephrostomy versus indwelling ureteral stents in patients with bilateral nongenitourinary malignant extrinsic obstruction, Journal of endourology / Endourological Society, 2002-04
  176. (국내)SCOPUS, 대동맥 후 신정맥, Korean Journal of Urology, 2001-09
  177. (국외)SCI, Estramustine-related hypocalcemia in patients with prostate carcinoma and osteoblastic metastases, Urology, 2001-03
  178. (국외)SCI, 주위 림프절에 동반된 신혈관근지방종 1례, Korean Journal of Urology, 2000-07
  179. (국내)SCOPUS, 진행된 전립선암에서 호르몬 요법과 남성호르몬 수용체 및 p53단백의 발현 양상, Korean Journal of Urology, 2000-03
  180. (국내)기타, Serum tumor markers and treatment outcome in patients with intermediate-volume nonseminomatous germ cell tumors, 대한암학회지, 1999-05
  181. (국외)SCI, Clinical Characteristics of Metachronous Bilateral Testicular Tumors in the Chemotherapeutic Era, Yonsei medical journal, 1999-04
  182. (국외)SCI, Management consideration in nonpulmonary visceral metastatic seminoma of testis, Journal of Korean medical science, 1999-02